Public Sector Specialization Programs & Requirements for Counties
In addition to core certifications, the NM EDGE offers classes that are specific to a number of public sector specializations. To learn more, please see Public Sector Specialization Programs.
For more information on creating a specialized certification program for your group, contact the NM EDGE Program Director, Mary DeLorenzo at 505-424-0744 or at

NM Certified Treasury Official
The NM Certified Treasury Official designation requires completion of 21 classes from a requirements list and a mini-portfolio demonstrating through written and project work, the student's application of the competencies learned by participating in the classes.

NM Certified Public Assessment Officer
The NM Certified Public Assessment Officer designation requires completion of 26 classes from a requirements list and a mini-portfolio demonstrating, through written and project work, the student's application of the competencies learned by participating in the classes.

NM Certified County Health Care Official
The NM Certified County Health Care Official designation requires completion of 18 classes from a requirements list and a mini-portfolio demonstrating, through written and project work, the student's application of the competencies learned by participating in the classes.

NM Certified County Commissioner
The NM Certified County Commissioner designation requires completion of 24 classes from a requirements list and a mini-portfolio demonstrating, through written and project work, the student's application of the competencies learned by participating in the classes.

NM Certified County Clerk
The NM Certified County Clerk designation requires completion of 28 classes and a mini-portfolio demonstrating, through written and project work, the student's application of the competencies learned by participating in the classes. NM County Clerks may earn a Clerks' Emphasis for each Certified Public Official, Certified Public supervisor, and Certified Public Manager designations. The Clerks emphasis designation builds upon each previous level and successful completion of all levels is required to earn the emphasis designation.
NM EDGE Core Certifications
There are three core certification programs in NM EDGE CPM and County College, which are based on course guidelines of the National Certified Public Manager® Consortium (CPM) guidelines. These certification share many common classes. They are: NM Certified Public Official, NM Certified Public Supervisor, and NM Certified Public Manager® .
To learn more about these certifications, click on the link below.